Become Skilled In Coding

What is Coding?

Coding is the act of writing instructions for a computer to make the computer perform a task. Coding may also be called programming. A finished set of computer instructions is called a program.

Every app, game and software program we use requires a coded program to work. Many of our household appliances and even our cars also require a coded program to work.
For a program to work it must be written in a way that a computer understands. This is done with a computer language. There are different computer languages designed for different types of computer programs.
These computer languages include HTML, Javascript, C and Python. Essentially the computer language converts human generated instructions into binary code – that is, strings of ones and zeroes that tell a computer what to do.

When learning to code, children typically learn to use simplified, visual programming tools that allow them to build programs with pre-made blocks of codes that can be stacked together to form a sequence of instructions.

Children will then typically move on to learning to program with text-based programming languages that use words, abbreviations, numbers and symbols to create the instructions.
Very young children can begin to learn the principles of coding without even touching a computer. These types of coding game provide opportunity for children to learn the basic principles behind coding and to develop the logical thinking sequences that are helpful once they begin to learn to code on a computer.
To learn to code children need to also understand how computers work by developing computational thinking.

Computational thinking involves a logical thought process to solve a problem, including the ability to spot and troubleshoot mistakes when a program does not work as you intended it to. Computer’s only work as well as the instructions they have been given! If a program’s instructions are not written correctly then the program won’t work properly.

Why Teach Kids to Code?

Coding teaches kids that finding a solution to a problem often involves a logical sequence of steps or actions. It helps to develop problem solving skills such as perseverance, trial and error and understanding of cause and effect, analytical thinking and reasoning skills, as well as math and language skills. It also challenges children to think creatively and to pursue innovative ideas and solutions.
At the end of the day, kids think coding is fun and I love that it really works their brains!
And if my kids are going to be engaged on a screen, I would rather they be using it to create something rather than passively entertainment.

Nowadays there are many free websites where kids can learn how to code. The list below highlights some of the best free sites offering online coding games for kids and adult if you which to learn.

Coding Using Tynker

Coding Using Code Combat

Coding Using Scratch

Coding Using

Coding Using Code Avenger

Advance Coding Using Code War

By the time you go through this sites, you will become skilled in an area. Thanks


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